Ron McClure from Albuquerque, NM is now receiving offers for this original Patrica Rose.
Painted most likely in the late 1980s to early 1990s, this stunning work in oils is in excellent condition
and in it's original frame. Pat's signature style and feel for New Mexico's landscapes fills this 18"x36"
with all sorts of wonderful transitions in the trees, sky and buildings.
Most of Pat's designs had a single
road but here displayed is a rare split into two roads. Color usage is at her highest and she cleverly placed two dogs in
the shadows - not a common thing for her to include animals but certainly a treat. A real find for a serious collector since
every aspect of Pat's best works are beautifully crafted in this one scene.
Ron's contact information: 505-480-4316 rrmcclure@gmail.com

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Sue Carpenter of Sturgis,South Dakota is now receiving offers for this original Patrica Rose prize winner.
Painted in the early 1980s, this won the New Mexico State Fair Govenor's Award and hung for 8 years til purchased by Louise
& Homer Neill of Albuquerque. A beautiful acrylic in excellent condition and in it's original frame. This
work is a great example of Pat's signature style and feel for what makes New Mexico's landscapes soo enchanting. I
can personally vouch for this as the original having seen its creation in process and proudly adorned with State Fair ribbon.
Sue's contact information: 608-547-8883 carpenter.sue@gmail.com

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